

Soils worldwide are depleted, lacking minerals essential for health.  46% of the earth's land is desert or arid wasteland. These bare grounds heat up to 150 degrees Fahrenheit, worsening climate change. Our nature-based fertility restoration amendments deliver 3 to 5 X increases in yield, higher nutrient density, flavor and carbon sequestration.  In hundreds of trials  we proved that when soil is recharged with our fertility enhancements, bio-diversity regenerates rapidly. 

Sustainable Development Goals


Active Member of Bio for a Livable Planet with HQ in Greater Washington DC
Active Member of ERA -- Eco-Restoration Alliance -- HQ in Greater Washington DC

Environmental Actions


Continue to feed cattle only nutrient rich seasonal grasses and forage.
Continue to grow more food on existing land so people don't have to cut more forests to get access t


“We pledge to support positive change for the planet and to be honest when sharing information on environmental actions.”
May 23, 2024
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Wooded islands in an archipelago

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