
The Economy for the Common Good advocates a more ethical economic model, in which the wellbeing of people and the environment become the ultimate goal of business.

The worldwide movement exists since 2010, based on ideas by Austrian publisher Christian Felber. Today, it consists of more than 11,000 supporters, 4,000 activists, 160 local chapters, 10 National Associations, 500 businesses and organizations, 50 municipalities and 200 universities.

Further Information:

Sustainable Development Goals

Environmental Actions


Develop tools and certifications for organisations to measure and manage their environmental and so
Develop thorough tools and certifications for organisations to measure and manage their environmenta
Offer a living wage
Support partnerships that promote positive change for the planet



“We pledge to support positive change for the planet and to be honest when sharing information on environmental actions.”
Sep 1, 2022
Last updated:
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