
Being an independent ISO 14001, ISO 50001 Auditor and and EMAS verifier for Environmental and Energy Management System, and also working as a Consultant in that field, I really like to empower organisations to improve their environmental Performance. And there is always room for improvement.

Als unabhängiger Auditor ISO 14001, 50001 und Umweltgutachter und als Berater freue ich mich, Organisationen bei der Verbesserung ihrer Umweltleistung zu unterstützen. Potenziale sind immer vorhanden!

Sustainable Development Goals


Umweltgutachterausschuss - German EMAS Advisory Board
VNU Verband für Nachhaltigkeits- und Umweltmanagement e.V.

Environmental Actions


Reduce car driving, use trains as much as possible


“We pledge to support positive change for the planet and to be honest when sharing information on environmental actions.”
May 1, 2017
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Wooded islands in an archipelago

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